We can own the look and feel of our photography by treating imagery with duotone. This is especially useful when dealing with sectors.
We have developed a number of devices that maintain our distinctive and cohesive look and feel in motion.
Establishing the understructure
Making the Duotone
VVB uses duotones with master brand imagery and sector imagery.
Use Photoshop to build the duotones using the ‘Gradient Map' feature. This helps keep original imagery non-destructive.
Please construct the layers as shown below.

*Gradient Map Pre-loaded PSD
Master VVB gradient

It is important that the ‘VVB Midnight' colour starts at 17% location then all the additive colours are placed at 100%.

Secondary Imagery
We don't use gradients everywhere, we reserve that for brand and sector images only, but we do have a nifty trick for making secondary imagery more interesting and ownable.
Single point perspective is a strong image technique that creates interesting, meaningful images. It can be used with either contextual or abstract imagery. It's better suited to original photography, but can also work with stock.