Graphic Devices


VVB works alongside a lot of different organisations. We self-deliver to ensure optimum control over our own work, and to ensure the projects we’re involved with have the best possible outcomes. That’s the VVB Focus.

Using the component parts of the logo, we can generate a graphic device that illustrates a project's sweet spot, the crucial focus, the exact work.


Find focus

While we offer the full project lifecycle and robust service support of a Tier 1 provider, we deliver with the agility and precision of a Tier 2 specialist.

Use it to create visual impact and draw the viewer’s attention.

Use it to illustrate and emphasise a point: a project’s sweet spot, the crucial focus, the exact work, the key feature.

Use it to add impact to the key thing you want to communicate.

Focus Device

The device is generated out of the rings that make up the VVB logo.

Two circles - focus device. First circle 1px stroke, second circle 2px stroke. 1:2 ratio

The focus has a stroke ratio 1:2 to help create a tiered system and generate some depth to the device. You can be flexible with scale of stroke as long as you use the correct ratio to create balance.

Two circles - focus device. First circle 1px stroke, second circle 2px stroke. 1:2 ratio Two circles - focus device. First circle 2px stroke, second circle 4px stroke. 1:2 ratio

Image Option

You can use the device to help draw attention and illustrate imagery.

Train station with sunset
Construction worker Construction worker servers
Worker walking next to underground railway

The focus works well as an illumination device when using duotone imagery. You can use it with blurred vision background to bring focus visually to the image.

Mobile phone showing VVB website loading
White cirlces


Grab attention, add decoration or provide the foundation.

Shadows are an integral graphic tool for the VVB brand, they come in three strengths and are used for different levels of emphasis.

Create emphasis
and draw attention.
Used sparingly.


Hex: #000000

Opacity: 75%

X: 0 Y: 30px

Blur: 99px

Decorate and
Moderate usage.


Hex: #000000

Opacity: 50%

X: 0 Y: 11px

Blur: 19px

Basic building blocks.


Hex: #000000

Opacity: 16%

X: 0 Y: 3px

Blur: 6px